Homework 2
Zahteve zaključka
Odprto: torek, 21. februar 2023, 00.00
Rok za oddajo: petek, 15. marec 2024, 21.00
Your task is to create a service node which moves the simulated turtle from the turtlesim package. Check the custom msgs and srvs documentation for help.
The service request should contain a string and an integer field. The string should be one of:
- "circle"
- "rectangle"
- "triangle"
- "random"
and the integer field specifies the duration in seconds.
The node should then move the turtle in the specified trajectory for the given duration in the integer field. After the given duration the turtle should stop moving. The response to the client should contain a string field with the previous issued movement type.
Upload your code in a single .zip file (compress the package(s))