Course description - Opis predmeta |
Student requirements - Obveznosti študentov |
Lab work - Delo na vajah |
Literature and other sources |
Example of a good project report |
Example 2 of a good project report |
export triangulation to ply |
Project documentation |
Presentation schedule |
2 October - 8 October |
Notes, lecture 1 |
There is no difference between a donut and a coffee cup ... |
Topology and topological data analysis (from AYASDI) |
The intuition behind topology |
9 October - 15 October |
Notes, lecture 2 |
Lecture 2 (video) |
Lab work, 2nd week |
Geogebra |
Cool links (Voronoi diagrams) |
16 October - 22 October |
Notes, lecture 3 |
Lab work #3 |
23 October - 29 October |
Notes, lecture 4 |
6 November - 12 November |
Notes, lecture 5 |
13 November - 19 November |
Notes, Lecture 6 |
Surface reconstruction |
20 November - 26 November |
Notes, Lecture 7 |
Lecture 7, part 2 |
Lectures 7, part 3 |
Vietoris-Rips and α-shapes |
Github Repo |
bunny points |
Lab work, 8th week |
27 November - 3 December |
Notes, Lectures 7 & 8 |
4 December - 10 December |
Notes, lectures 9 |
Lab work #10 |
11 December - 17 December |
Notes, Lectures 10-11 |
Applications of persistence (slides and video) |
18 December - 24 December |
Lab work #12 |
Lecture notes on Discrete Morse theory 2023 |
25 December - 31 December |
Persistent homology 1 |
object1 |
object2 |
object3 |
object4 |
8 January - 14 January |
Notes Discrete Morse Theory |
15 January - 21 January |
Lab work #14 |