Drugo preverjanje / Second lab-test
V tednu od 11.12.2023 do 17.12.2023 bo v vseh skupinah potekalo drugo preverjanje znanja. Preverjanja se obvezno udeležite v terminu, ki ga obiskujete. Preverjanje v angleškem jeziku bo praviloma le na vajah, ki se izvajajo v angleščini.
Na preverjanju bo zajeta snov vaj, ki smo jo predelali do sedaj:
- snov prvega preverjanja,
- delo z nepredznačenimi/predznačenimi operandi,
- zastavice,
- skočni ukazi in pogojni skoki.
Literatura na preverjanju ni dovoljena. V pomoč bo pri preverjanju nabor ukazov zbirnega jezika ARM, ki ga dobite od nas.
In a week from 11.12.2023 to 17.12.2023, the second lab-test will take place during the lab sessions. Make sure you attend the same lab-sessions you're normally attending. Lab-test in English language will be primarily held in English LAB session on Thursday.
The test will cover the following topics covered until now:
- topics from the first test,
- signed/unsigned operands,
- flags,
- branch instructions and conditions.
Literature is not allowed on the test, but you can use the list of ARM assembly language instructions that you will receive from us before the test.
Na preverjanju bo zajeta snov vaj, ki smo jo predelali do sedaj:
- snov prvega preverjanja,
- delo z nepredznačenimi/predznačenimi operandi,
- zastavice,
- skočni ukazi in pogojni skoki.
Literatura na preverjanju ni dovoljena. V pomoč bo pri preverjanju nabor ukazov zbirnega jezika ARM, ki ga dobite od nas.
In a week from 11.12.2023 to 17.12.2023, the second lab-test will take place during the lab sessions. Make sure you attend the same lab-sessions you're normally attending. Lab-test in English language will be primarily held in English LAB session on Thursday.
The test will cover the following topics covered until now:
- topics from the first test,
- signed/unsigned operands,
- flags,
- branch instructions and conditions.
Literature is not allowed on the test, but you can use the list of ARM assembly language instructions that you will receive from us before the test.
Zadnja sprememba: torek, 12. december 2023, 11.56