rešitev STM32H7
* Main.s
* Created on: Aug 24, 2022
* Author: rozman
.syntax unified
.cpu cortex-m7
// Definitions
// Definitions section. Define all the registers and
// constants here for code readability.
// Constants
.equ LEDDELAY, 64000
// For LOOPTC Software delay
// By default 64MHz internal HSI clock is enabled
// Internal loop takes N cycles
// Register Addresses
// You can find the base addresses for all peripherals from Memory Map section 2.3.2
// RM0433 on page 131. Then the offsets can be found on their relevant sections.
// RCC base address is 0x58024400
// AHB4ENR register offset is 0xE0
.equ RCC_AHB4ENR, 0x580244E0 // RCC AHB4 peripheral clock reg
// GPIOI base address is 0x58022000
.equ GPIOI_BASE, 0x58022000 // GPIOI base address)
// MODER register offset is 0x00
.equ GPIOx_MODER, 0x00 // GPIOx port mode register
// ODR register offset is 0x14
.equ GPIOx_ODR, 0x14 // GPIOx output data register
// BSRR register offset is 0x18
.equ GPIOx_BSRR, 0x18 // GPIOx port set/reset register
// Values for BSRR register - pin 13: LED is on, when GPIO is off
.equ LEDs_OFF, 0x00002000 // Setting pin to 1 -> LED is off
.equ LEDs_ON, 0x20000000 // Setting pin to 0 -> LED is on
// Start of text section
.type main, %function
.global main
bl INIT_IO // Priprava za kontrolo LED diode
bl LED_ON // Vklop LED diode
mov r0,#500
bl DELAY // Zakasnitev: r0 x 1msec
bl LED_OFF // Izlop LED diode
mov r0,#500
bl DELAY // Zakasnitev: r0 x 1msec
b loop // skok na vrstico loop:
__end: b __end
push {r5, r6, lr}
// Enable GPIOI Peripheral Clock (bit 8 in AHB4ENR register)
ldr r6, = RCC_AHB4ENR // Load peripheral clock reg address to r6
ldr r5, [r6] // Read its content to r5
orr r5, #0x00000100 // Set bit 8 to enable GPIOI clock
str r5, [r6] // Store result in peripheral clock register
// Make GPIOI Pin13 as output pin (bits 27:26 in MODER register)
ldr r6, =GPIOI_BASE // Load GPIOD BASE address to r6
ldr r5, [r6,#GPIOx_MODER] // Read GPIOD_MODER content to r5
and r5, #0xF3FFFFFF // Clear bits 27-26 for P13
orr r5, #0x04000000 // Write 01 to bits 27-26 for P13
str r5, [r6] // Store result in GPIO MODER register
pop {r5, r6, pc}
push {r5, r6, lr}
// Set GPIOx Pins to 0 (through BSSR register)
ldr r6, =GPIOI_BASE // Load GPIOI BASE address to r6
mov r5, #LEDs_ON
str r5, [r6,#GPIOx_BSRR] // Write to BSRR register
pop {r5, r6, pc}
push {r5, r6, lr}
// Set GPIOx Pins to 1 (through BSSR register)
ldr r6, =GPIOI_BASE // Load GPIOI BASE address to r6
mov r5, #LEDs_OFF
str r5, [r6,#GPIOx_BSRR] // Write to BSRR register
pop {r5, r6, pc}
// Delay with internal SW loop approx. r0 x ms
push {r1, lr}
LOOP: subs r1, r1, #1
bne LOOP
subs r0, r0, #1
bne MSEC
pop {r1, pc}
* Main.s
* Created on: Aug 24, 2022
* Author: rozman
.syntax unified
.cpu cortex-m7
// Definitions
// Definitions section. Define all the registers and
// constants here for code readability.
// Constants
.equ LEDDELAY, 64000
// For LOOPTC Software delay
// By default 64MHz internal HSI clock is enabled
// Internal loop takes N cycles
// Register Addresses
// You can find the base addresses for all peripherals from Memory Map section 2.3.2
// RM0433 on page 131. Then the offsets can be found on their relevant sections.
// RCC base address is 0x58024400
// AHB4ENR register offset is 0xE0
.equ RCC_AHB4ENR, 0x580244E0 // RCC AHB4 peripheral clock reg
// GPIOI base address is 0x58022000
.equ GPIOI_BASE, 0x58022000 // GPIOI base address)
// MODER register offset is 0x00
.equ GPIOx_MODER, 0x00 // GPIOx port mode register
// ODR register offset is 0x14
.equ GPIOx_ODR, 0x14 // GPIOx output data register
// BSRR register offset is 0x18
.equ GPIOx_BSRR, 0x18 // GPIOx port set/reset register
// Values for BSRR register - pin 13: LED is on, when GPIO is off
.equ LEDs_OFF, 0x00002000 // Setting pin to 1 -> LED is off
.equ LEDs_ON, 0x20000000 // Setting pin to 0 -> LED is on
// Start of text section
.type main, %function
.global main
bl INIT_IO // Priprava za kontrolo LED diode
bl LED_ON // Vklop LED diode
mov r0,#500
bl DELAY // Zakasnitev: r0 x 1msec
bl LED_OFF // Izlop LED diode
mov r0,#500
bl DELAY // Zakasnitev: r0 x 1msec
b loop // skok na vrstico loop:
__end: b __end
push {r5, r6, lr}
// Enable GPIOI Peripheral Clock (bit 8 in AHB4ENR register)
ldr r6, = RCC_AHB4ENR // Load peripheral clock reg address to r6
ldr r5, [r6] // Read its content to r5
orr r5, #0x00000100 // Set bit 8 to enable GPIOI clock
str r5, [r6] // Store result in peripheral clock register
// Make GPIOI Pin13 as output pin (bits 27:26 in MODER register)
ldr r6, =GPIOI_BASE // Load GPIOD BASE address to r6
ldr r5, [r6,#GPIOx_MODER] // Read GPIOD_MODER content to r5
and r5, #0xF3FFFFFF // Clear bits 27-26 for P13
orr r5, #0x04000000 // Write 01 to bits 27-26 for P13
str r5, [r6] // Store result in GPIO MODER register
pop {r5, r6, pc}
push {r5, r6, lr}
// Set GPIOx Pins to 0 (through BSSR register)
ldr r6, =GPIOI_BASE // Load GPIOI BASE address to r6
mov r5, #LEDs_ON
str r5, [r6,#GPIOx_BSRR] // Write to BSRR register
pop {r5, r6, pc}
push {r5, r6, lr}
// Set GPIOx Pins to 1 (through BSSR register)
ldr r6, =GPIOI_BASE // Load GPIOI BASE address to r6
mov r5, #LEDs_OFF
str r5, [r6,#GPIOx_BSRR] // Write to BSRR register
pop {r5, r6, pc}
// Delay with internal SW loop approx. r0 x ms
push {r1, lr}
LOOP: subs r1, r1, #1
bne LOOP
subs r0, r0, #1
bne MSEC
pop {r1, pc}
Последнее изменение: пятница, 1 декабря 2023, 23:25