Download the spreadsheet with predictions by some model.

A mushroom is classified as edible, if the predicted probability for being edible exceeds a certain threshold. Different rooms will work with different thresholds: Room 1: 0.9, Room 2: 0.8, Room 3: 0.6, Room 4: 0.4.

Given your threshold, compute the following probabilities:

  • the model makes the correct prediction,
  • a mushroom that is recommended as edible is indeed edible
  • a mushroom that is edible is recommended as edible
  • a mushroom that is classified as poisonous is poisonous
  • a mushroom that is poisonous is classified as poisonous
  • a mushroom that is recommended as edible is poisonous

Using the reference table at, find the names of these probabilities.

Last modified: Monday, 7 March 2022, 5:14 PM