Kratek povzetek snovi za prostopni kolokvij (A short summary of the material for the entrance exam)
COMMANDS: man - manual pages less, more - paginate output cd - Change Directory pwd - show current directory ls - list directory content cat - output file to stdout (screen) echo - output argument to stdout env - output environment ps - list proceses grep - filter text ifconfig - show network interfacesip - show network settingssource - interpret the commands inside a file export - set an environment variable chown - change owner chmod - change permissions which - which program would be run head - output the first few lines of a file tail - output the last few lines of a file wc - word count bg - run the stopped program in the background fg - get the program from the background to the foreground mount - attach a filesystem to the current directory structure find - search for files in a directory hierarchy sed - stream editor for filtering and transforming text DIRECTORIES: cd /SOME_PATH # move to /SOME_PATH cd SOME_PATH # move to $PWD/SOME_PATH ./ # current directory .some_name # a file called .some_name which is hidden ../ # 1 level "up" (parent directory) ~ # $HOME ~/ # $HOME/ ~some_name # the home dir of some_name file~ # a file called file~ f~i~l~e # a file called f~i~l~e ~- # $OLDPWD ENVIRONMENT: PWD # current directory OLDPWD # PWD before the last successfull cd PATH # a ":" separated list of directories of programs (DOES NOT CONTAIN THE CURRENT DIRECTORY by default) DISPLAY SYMBOLS: > prog1 > file1 # redirect stdout from prog1 into file1 >> # prog1 >> file1 # append stdout prog1 to file1 < prog1 < file1 # redirect file1 to stdin of prog1 | prog1 | prog2 # redirect stdout of prog1 to stdin of prog2 A>&B prog1 2> file1 # redirect stderr of prog1 to file1 prog1 >&2 # redirect stdout of prog1 to stderr prog1 2>&1 # redirect stderr of prog1 to stdout prog1 2>&1 | less & prog1 & prog2 # |---prog1---| & |-----prog2------| && prog1 && prog2 # run prog2 after prog1 terminated successfully ; prog1; prog2 # run prog2 after prog1 (ignore the return code) { } { prog1; prog2; } # run prog1 and prog2 in a sub-shell $ echo $PATH # echo the_value_in_PATH echo $PWD$PATH # echo the curr. dir + the path ` `prog1` -> get the output of prog1 into a string export WHERE_I_AM=`pwd` export CURRENT_DATE=`date` " "string with escape sequences" ' 'normal(raw) strings' . # source . file # same as source file CTRL+C - break (program) CTRL+Z - stop the current program, put it into the background CTRL+D - end of file CTRL+R - search history IPs: Local networks:, ( -, ( -, ( - Other special networks: - localnet - link-local addresses
route - show routes arp - show the Address Resolution Protocol table sleep - block for N seconds kill - kill process killall - kill processes with a certain name top - display a list of processes
Last modified: Tuesday, 25 February 2020, 9:40 AM