Варианты зачисления на курс

Nowadays we are witnessing an exponential growth in amount of data. Knowledge of modern technologies in the field of databases and knowledge of approaches of database design is therefore crucial for understanding the operation of modern information systems as well as for successful professional work in IT industry.

The course Database II will upgrade your knowledge of relational databases and will teach you a systematic approach to their design. The course will also focus on an indexing of data and query optimization. Part of the course will address the management of large amounts of data and databases that make this possible. You will learn the different types of NoSQL databases. We will learn about data partitioning, replication, and map-reducer for querying. Labs will allow you to test different database concepts in practice.

The course work involves the production of a seminar paper in two equally demanding parts and a final exam. The first part of the seminar paper must be completed by mid-November and the second part by the end of the semester. The exam can also be taken with two colloquiums.

Самостоятельная запись (študent)
Самостоятельная запись (študent)