Available courses
Category: Computer and Information Science
None Heterogeneous Computing Platforms The aim of this course is to deal with the state-of-the-art platforms and technologies, which present an important direction in ensuring enough computing performance for increasing computational requirements. Students will work with different types of hardware …
Category: Computer and Information Science
Low-Power Hardware Designs for Next-Generation Signal Processing and Machine Learning Applications The need to support various signal and media processing and recognition applications on energy-constrained mobile computing devices has steadily grown. There has been a growing interest in hardware ne…
Category: Computer and Information Science
None Selected Topics in Analysis of Sound Signals Students will have the opportunity to explore the use of different methods for pattern recognition and machining learning (for example, deep neural networks) to solve the problems that we encounter when analyzing sound signals, such as identification…
Category: Computer and Information Science
None Selected Topics from Computer Graphics and Visualization Students will get to know the current methods and technologies in the field of three-dimensional computer graphics. Emphasis will be given to rendering different types of data: volumetric data, point clouds, mesh geometry and logically de…
Category: Computer and Information Science
Študent opravi pregled sorodnih raziskav za izbrano raziskovalno temo s področja računalništva in informatike, ki naj sovpada z načrtovano temo doktorskega dela. Pri tem prebere in povzame vsaj trideset znanstveno-raziskovalnih člankov iz ožjega in širšega raziskovalnega področja, napiše…
Category: Computer and Information Science
In Seminar II students become acquainted with the paper publication procedure and its presentation on the locally organized conference. Besides writing and submitting a paper, students are included into the conference reviewing procedure, where they play an active role as the conference progra…
Category: Computer and Information Science
Študent dodatno nadgradi pregled sorodnih raziskav s področja doktorskega dela, ki jih je opravil v okviru Seminarja 1. Pri tem prebere vsaj trideset sorodnih znanstveno-raziskovalnih člankov, ki se lahko razlikujejo od člankov, o katerih je poročal pri Seminarju 1. Članke povzame v zelo strn…
Category: Computer and Information Science
Seminar V is intended for presentation of research performed by the student during the Ph.D. studies. The presentation's length should be 20 to 30 minutes. It should include the overview of the topic of the doctoral dissertation, the motivation for the work, and report on student's research and its…
Category: Computer and Information Science
The course is designed to acquaint students with basic skills that are needed in scientific work. With practical work on seminars and exercises, students are encouraged to apply the gained knowledge. During the course, students will become more familiar with topics like ethics in science, principle…
Category: Computer and Information Science
The objective of the course is a preparation of an R&D project application in accordance with tenders published by a national or international agency/financer, and public presentation of the project. Students will get competences in preparing project applications and choosing relevant pro…