Možnosti vpisa

Cilj predmeta je pridobiti znanja o
postopkih razvoja programske opreme s posebnim poudarkom na razvoju zalednih
(server-side, datacenter, cloud) aplikacij, torej aplikacij, ki se uporabljajo
v velikih informacijskih sistemih podjetij ali velikih spletnih aplikacij (npr.
Facebook, LinkedIn, spletnih trgovin kot so Amazon, mimovrste, ebay in
podobnih). Te aplikacije, ki delujejo na velikih strežniških sistemih, morajo
biti sposobne servisirat množico sočasnih uporabnikov, hkrati pa delovati hitro
in zanesljivo. Pri predmetu se bomo v ta namen spoznali s sodobnimi arhitekturami razvoja, vključno z arhitekturo mikrostoritev, cloud-native arhitekturo, APIji, DevOps, CI/CD in arhitekturnimi vzorci in najboljšimi praksami razvoja sodobnih rešitev.
Podrobno bomo spoznali načine razvoja mikrostoritev v Javi, pri tem srečali tehnologije JAX-RS, CDI, JAX-P in JAX-B, JPA, JDBC, EJB, JMS, JAX-WS, JTS in napredne sporočilne sisteme AMQP, MQTT in druge. Prav tako se bomo spoznali z event streamingom (Kafka) in reaktivnimi koncepti.

Spoznali se bomo s spletnimi
storitvami REST in SOAP, JSON, OpenAPI, Swagger, itd. Za razvoj odjemalnih spletnih
aplikacij se bomo spoznali s HTML5/JavaScript in Angular.
stores such as
Amazon, eBay and similar).
applications that run on large server systems and must be capable of servicing
a multitude of concurrent users. They also need to work quickly and reliably.

We will learn the basics of microservice arhitevture and cloud-native development.

We will get familiar with developing microservices in Java and get to know JAX-RS, CDI, JAX-P and JAX-B, JPA, JDBC, JMS, JAX-WS, JTS and advanced AMQP, MQTT and other messaging systems. We will also get acquainted with event streaming and reactive concepts.

We will also get familiar with web services
REST, JSON, OpenAPI, Swagger, etc. For the development of client web pages
applications will get familiar with HTML5 / JavaScript and Angular.

We will also
learn how to develop cloud-ready application using microservices, containers
and scalability. We will get familiar with Docker and Kubernetes.

Students will
also get familiar with Continuous Integration and Deployment, and learn how to
use code repositories (Git), build tools (Maven), build servers (Jenkins) and
artifact repository (Nexus).

The course is
practically oriented with exercises. Students develop an application using an
application server of their choice.
will be prepared for challenging development projects and their management.
course will provide enough knowledge for students obtain certificates for Java EE

Samovpis (študent)
Samovpis (študent)